Run Long Beach, Run!
Ernst & Haas Management Co. - Tuesday, April 12, 2011
![Run Long Beach, Run!](/images/blog/ernsthaaslogo1.jpg)
[caption id="attachment_963" align="aligncenter" width="275" caption="This year's Long Beach Marathon will take place on October 8."][/caption]
October may seem like ages away, but it's only a stone's throw away in the running world. On October 8 of this year, the 2011 Long Beach International City Bank Marathon & Half Marathon will take place throughout 26.2 miles of Long Beach.
Some of us here at Ernst & Haas have been throwing around the idea of getting a team together to tackle the marathon together, and while some of us would rather drive than run, the idea of exercising on a daily basis and accomplishing such an event is almost too good to pass up.
But if you're anything like the majority of us, you have no idea where to start. How do you train? What type of clothing and shoes do you wear? What does your diet entail? These are all very important questions that need to be answered months before the marathon, as running 26 miles takes a lot of preparation - both mentally and physically.
With that being said, it was almost as if Competitor, a magazine dedicated to runners, read our minds and came out with their April issue. The issue details how to master your first marathon in 20 weeks - outlining a marathon training plan, spotlighting the best footwear to sport, and featuring the foods that will provide the vitamins and energy needed prior to and day of the race.
Now that we've got the information, we need the motivation and determination! Will you join us in our running endeavors? We sure hope so!