We Will Never Forget

We Will Never Forget
This Sunday marks the 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001 and we can't believe a decade has come and gone. Putting politics and conspiracy theories aside, the events that took place that day forever changed our country. Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing that morning, and can recount it as if it happened yesterday. For some of us, September 11, 2001 was a day of sadness, disbelief, fear, and anger. Many of us watched as plane after plane plowed into various buildings, instantly killing those on board, as well as those in the buildings. Many of us couldn't believe what we were watching, questioning who could be behind such violent acts. Many of us, for the first time in our lives, didn't feel safe, and felt as though our very homes were under attack. And many of us immediately wanted justice and revenge on those that planned and played out the day's events. In the days and months following September 11, we heard powerful stories of heroes risking their lives to save others - whether it was trying to take down a plane's hijackers, or running into a collapsing building. We heard personal stories of the last phone calls and emails family members and friends received from those whose lives were taken that day. And we saw images plastered on billboards, newspapers, and magazines reminding the world that "We Will Never Forget." What a bold statement - "We Will Never Forget." But it's been 10 years, and we haven't forgotten. And even though it may not hurt nearly as bad as it did 10 years ago, September 11 will always have a bitter ring to it, a sting that reaches deep to the core. This September 11, as we remember what took place 10 years ago, may you take some time to honor those that were lost and those that continue to fight for our freedom and safety.